Hop on the Linkkari bus!

Welcome to Rovaniemi’s public transport website! Here you can find information on bus tickets, their prices, and where to buy them.

You will recognise Rovaniemi’s local buses from their striking reindeer and Northern lights graphics. We chose reindeer on the sides of the buses because reindeer can be seen in different parts of Rovaniemi, for example quite near the centre of Rovaniemi, on the Ounasvaara hill. In Rovaniemi, you can also witness the beautiful colours of the Northern lights. The graphics are there to highlight how important nature is to our residents.

The name “Linkkari” is written on the side of the bus. This is a nickname derived from the Finnish word for bus, “linja-auto”. Many of the locals have used the word “linkkari” for buses for a long time. We would love it if you shared photos of our buses with the hashtag #linkkari to show the world how fabulous our buses are!

The reindeer design is based on the sculpture Joulumaan Porot (“Reindeer of Christmas Land”) by sculptor U.K. Kärri, located at Rovaniemi Airport.

So hop on, and let the reindeer take you there!
Ei uutisia-